Toastmasters Historic Information

History Home - Narrative history of Toastmasters in NSW and ACT.

Historic Statistics

  • Annual statistics of District 70 growth and DCP achievement
  • Full history of Club formation and demise in NSW and ACT since the beginning
  • Archive of all educational achievements since 1995

Hall of Fame for District 70 up until reformation

For similar information since reformation, refer to the District 70 and District 90 websites.

For further information on any of the above, contact .

Go to Toastmasters NSW/ACT home page

Districts 70 and 90 Historic Information


History of District achievement

This chart shows the achievements of District 70 in the critical success factors of clubs, per capita membership, CTM/CC, ATM/AC and its Distinguished District rank for all years since the District was reformed in 1976 until the 2015 reformation into Districts 70 and 90..

History of District growth

District 70 was formed in 1971, reformed into Districts 70 and 73 in 1976 and reformed again in 2015 into Districts 70 and 90. The following reports list the details of all the Toastmasters Clubs formed in what are now the geographic territories of Districts 70 and 90, including a comment on whether they are currently active or defunct. That is, the reports include all changes since reformation.
(The reports present the same information sorted in different order.)

For District 70

For District 90

Note that club numbers were recycled by Toastmasters until 2003. Thus club numbers do not give an indication of club formation until the introduction of 6 digit numbers..The history of District 90 recycled club numbers is shown here. This research has become possible since the 2018 digitization of old The Toastmaster magazines. These are available in PDF form for download on the Toastmasters website.

History of educational achievements throughout the Districts

Communication and leadership awards by year. You can sort the reports by any column at the top of a page.
District 70 District 90
Original District 70  

Older system reports. These show recipients by club number. Consult the list of clubs sorted by club number above to match club names.