Toastmasters in NSW and ACT
There are around 280 Toastmasters clubs in New South Wales (NSW) and the ACT. These Toastmasters Clubs are mostly located in Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong and Canberra, but are also present in other major centres in New South Wales.
Toastmasters increases self confidence by developing communication and leadership skills with an emphasis on public speaking.
For more information, see
An introduction to Toastmasters
What it is and what it can do for you
- FAQs about Toastmasters
All the answers to questions about Toastmasters
- Short Courses
Special courses in public speaking offered by Toastmasters clubs
- Find a Club
Find Clubs in locations and with meeting times to suit you.
Toastmasters Districts

The clubs in NSW and ACT are organised into two Districts, being District 90 and District 70.
District 90
Includes clubs in Sydney north of the harbour, the western suburbs and north and western regional NSW.
District 70
Includes clubs in Sydney south of the harbour, southern regional NSW and clubs in the ACT.
District websites
Both Districts have their own websites with information and resources for members, club and district officers in their districts.
See District 90 website and District 70 website
Toastmasters in Australia
For information on clubs and districts elsewhere in Australia,
The Toastmasters Australia website.
Featuring The Australasian Chairman, a booklet covering the principles and rules of meeting procedure as used in Australia and New Zealand. See more...